Safe or Sorry? The Evolving Law of Disclosing Flood Risk (and How to Look Up Your Own Home’s Risk of Flooding)
How many of us ask about flood risk before buying a house or renting an apartment? In many areas of the country, whether we rent or buy, no one mentions flood risk. And yet, for millions of homes, flood risks keep increasing. Knowing whether a home has flooded, or is at high risk of flooding,…
“Unlicensed Appraisal” and Other Stories: How Scam Artists Chase Disaster Victims
After Tropical Storm Hilary blasted the Baja and San Diego regions in mid-August, the Federal Trade Commission urged people to watch for a surge in rip-offs. Opportunists may say they’re performing appraisals, but unless they are licensed appraisers, they lack professional accountability. If they’re improperly doing the work of adjusters, they might be violating state…