Risky Business? Minnesota Home Buyers Skip the Mortgage, Preferring Contracts for Deed

Land contract financing, a.k.a. the contract for deed, is a go-to method of home buying in Minnesota — especially in urban neighborhoods. These contracts allow homeowners to sell directly to buyers, bypassing the scrutiny of a mortgage lender. Each year, thousands of Minnesota buyers use them to finance their home purchases.

Federal lawmakers across the political spectrum say it’s high time for Congress to apply stricter oversight to Minnesota, and to all states.

But why? What’s going on? Would more regulation make sense? Let’s take a look.

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Who’s Buying Into Rural Boom Towns—And What the Locals Think

There’s a new dynamic in real estate. Companies and people are moving to Indiana, Nevada, Nebraska, Georgia, and Tennessee. Change is happening in rural areas, as so many people have left the cities to live and work in the outskirts.

Counties in Florida and Idaho are dealing with similar growing pains. People have flocked to both states since the pandemic economy unfolded. Many of their counties’ home prices are rising. So are the property taxes.

Now, add in the major U.S. carmakers’ southern expansion to build electric cars and battery factories. It’s all new to some small towns.

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