How Self-Driving Cars Could Transform the Suburbs

Self-driving cars are becoming a real thing. As they rise in popularity, they’re likely to shake up the way we move, the way we cope with age and disability, and the way things look and feel in our cities and suburbs.

How? First, let’s distinguish between the actual developments and the hype in the self-driving car world. Then let’s look at the open questions, and the kinds of changes some observers see coming.

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Living at Home as an Older Adult? Caring for Someone Older? Home Tech Can Help

On October 1st, Tesla revealed a model of its Tesla humanoid robot, Optimus. Some viewers think it might have retail potential, as a robotic home assistant. Tesla seems serious about the project. The company even sidelined the creation of an affordable ($25K) electric car to focus its expertise on robot technology. But Optimus is still years away from viability, and the predicted cost of the Tesla robot is about $20K.

For that much, some senior homeowners could pay off their remaining mortgage debt. In any case, they could certainly buy quite a few of the tech options discussed below.  These items focus on assisting with tasks and chores, safety and security, and all-around ease for homeowners “getting up there” in years.

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