“Unlicensed Appraisal” and Other Stories: How Scam Artists Chase Disaster Victims

After Tropical Storm Hilary blasted the Baja and San Diego regions in mid-August, the Federal Trade Commission urged people to watch for a surge in rip-offs.

Opportunists may say they’re performing appraisals, but unless they are licensed appraisers, they lack professional accountability. If they’re improperly doing the work of adjusters, they might be violating state insurance law, too.

Their goal? To fleece people and then walk away from them in their time of need. Today’s climate realities offer schemers plenty of chances to rip people off.

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The Quitclaim Deed and Fraudulent Real Estate Transactions

Image of a safe fashioned in the shape of a house with hand reaching to open- article discussing quitclaim deeds and their role in fraudulent real estate transactions.

Quitclaim deeds show up commonly in fraudulent real estate transactions. This type of deed fraud can impact elderly people, buyers purchasing real estate from strangers without warranty, renters who are paying someone who is not a legitimate owner, and anyone involved who might buy, sell, or own property.

Here, we examine how it happens and how to detect it.

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