Tech in 2024: Real Estate’s Transformation Speeds Ahead

Tech continues to transform the real estate world. It helps us assess the value of property. It enables people to spot trends. It assists real estate pros as they market, map, and make predictions. It enables “dream home” buyers to participate in the design work.

Most important of all, technology plays a housing affordability role.

Here, we take a peek at just a few innovations in real estate to watch.

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KeyBank Talks Fair Housing—Putting Its Money Where Its Mouth Is

KeyBank® is putting $400,000 into NeighborWorks Western Pennsylvania. Why? To make housing accessible to Black communities — as they have been disproportionately left out of homeownership.

Sure, $400,000 is a modest sum these days. But it’s part of a bigger picture.

In recent years, KeyBank has contributed close to half a billion dollars to Greater Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania to bolster housing affordability and strengthen communities. And in total, KeyBank is investing $40 billion in communities where fair access to Pennsylvania homes is most critically needed.

“This grant is part of KeyBank’s commitment to invest $40 billion in the communities it serves.”


So this grant is only part of KeyBank’s commitment to equitable access to homeownership for Pennsylvanians.

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A Ray of Sunshine for Older and Disabled Residents: Pennsylvania’s Amped-Up Property Tax Assistance Can Help

Getting over the hurdle of property tax payments is harder these days. That’s because taxable home values have gone up.

So older Pennsylvanians are praising their governor, Josh Shapiro, for signing Act 7 of 2023 into law. It enlarges Pennsylvania’s Property Tax / Rent Rebate (PTRR). Hundreds of thousands of people — those who own, and those who rent — will benefit from the change. They include: Pennsylvanians aged 65 and up; surviving spouses aged 50 and up; and people with disabilities who are at least 18 years old.

The modified law takes effect in January 2024. But you need to know about it in order to get it! So here’s a Q&A to describe what’s going on.

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Frustrated Home Buyer? It’s Not You. Affordability Is the Worst It’s Been in a Century

Given today’s incomes, mortgage interest rates, and the prices on homes, we just had the least affordable month for U.S. housing in our century.

September 2023 was the second record-breaking month this year. We might be headed for a third record before the year’s over.  

In fact, the last time it was this hard to buy a home was back in the early 1980s.

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