Download South Dakota Satisfaction of Mortgage Legal Forms

South Dakota Satisfaction of Mortgage Overview

Use this form to satisfy/discharge a mortgage, typically when it is paid in full.
44-8-5. Satisfaction of real estate mortgage--Standard form.
________ of ________ state of ________, hereby certifies, that a certain mortgage bearing date the ________ day of ________, 20__, executed by ________ to ________ of ________ upon the following real property situated in the county of ________ in the State of South Dakota, to wit, the _________________________________________
and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of said ________ county, South Dakota, in book ________ of mortgages, page ________, on the ________ day of ________, 20__, at ________ o'clock and ________ minutes ____. M., is, with the indebtedness thereby secured, fully paid, satisfied, and discharged.
Dated this ________ day of ________, 20____.
(Signature) _____________________________
44-8-14. Discharge of recorded mortgage--Certificate of release, contents, recording, fee.
A recorded mortgage may be discharged upon the records of a register of deeds by filing for record and causing to be recorded at length a certificate signed by the mortgagee or his successor in interest by succession, assignment, representation, or otherwise, acknowledged, or proved and certified as prescribed by the statutes relating to recording acts, fully stating the names of the mortgagor, the mortgagee, the date of the mortgage, the date, county, state, book, and page of record of the mortgage, description of the mortgaged premises or part thereof sought to be released, and that the same are fully and completely released from all lien, force, and effect of the mortgage, or that the same is fully paid, satisfied, or discharged, or partially paid, satisfied, or discharged, and the extent thereof, as the case may be. The register of deeds shall record all such instruments upon the payment of the fee prescribed by law, and shall make note upon the margin of the record of the mortgage to the book and page where the discharge is recorded.
Satisfaction of Mortgages-Requires:
(1) a legal description
(2) a book and page number of the mortgage to be released.
(3) the date of the mortgage
(4) the names of the mortgagors
(5) the name of the mortgagee
(6) execution and acknowledgment in front of a notary
(7) a corporate seal (if no seal, so state on the document "NO SEAL")
(South Dakota Satisfaction Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example) For use in South Dakota only.