You are NOT on the Pike County official website, you are on Deeds.com, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.
The Circuit Clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining land records in Pike County.
Recording Fees
Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Mortgages, Release Deeds, Powers Of Attorney, Plats, Survey Plats, Notary Bonds, Foreign Judgments (within the State of Arkansas), Lis-Pendens, Medical Liens, Mechanic's and Materialman's Liens, Federal Tax Liens, and any Recordable instruments except as otherwise described in this section Ark. Code Ann. 21-6-306.
PLUS-$5.00 for every page subsequent to the first
Note: a two-sided instrument counts as two pages
Mortgage Assignments, Mortgage Releases, and other instruments Ark Code Ann. 21-6-306
If a single document lists multiple instruments:
No fee for the first instrument. Thereafter, a fee of $15.00 per additional instrument listed, not to exceed $300.00
Note: a two-sided instrument counts as two pages
Mortgage's or Trustee's Notice of Default and Intention to Sell (Ark Code Ann. 18-50-104) Ark Fee Code 21-6-306
$140.00 Plus recording fee of $15.00 for the first page (1) side only and $5.00 for each additional page
Note: a two-sided instrument counts as 2 pages
The Real Property Transfer Tax is levied on each transfer document. The tax rate is $3.30 per $1,000 of actual consideration on transactions that exceed $100 and it applies to transferring ownership of mineral rights as well.
Call the circuit clerk's office at (870) 285-2231 with questions.
Document Formatting Requirements
* Documents need to be on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Printing or typing needs to be legible.
* On the top right corner of the first page, the margin should be 2.5 inches. Side margins on all pages should be .5 of an inch. At the bottom of the last page of the document, the margin should be 2.5 inches.
* A document submitted for recording must have a title, and must also list the names of the grantor(s) and grantee(s), if applicable.
* Documents must be acknowledged in order to be recorded.
* For instruments affecting title to property, the name and address of the person or government agency who prepared the document must be listed on the first page. The name has to be printed, stamped, or typed legibly. This can be given in the following form: 'This form prepared by.........................................................(name and address).
* The acknowledgment of deeds and instruments of writing for the conveyance of real estate, or whereby such real estate is to be affected in law or equity, shall be by the grantor appearing in person before a court or officer having the authority by law to take the acknowledgment and stating that he or she had executed the deed or instrument for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth.