Download New Jersey Assignment of Mortgage Legal Forms

New Jersey Assignment of Mortgage Overview

Use this form to assign an existing mortgage to another entity per NJ Rev Stat 46:9-9 which states: 46:9-9. All mortgages on real estate in this State, and all covenants and stipulations therein contained, shall be assignable at law by writing, whether sealed or not, and any such assignment shall pass and convey the estate of the assignor in the mortgaged premises, and the assignee may sue thereon in his own name, but, in any such action by the assignee, there shall be allowed all just set-offs and other defenses against the assignor that would have been allowed in any action brought by the assignor and existing before notice of such assignment.
Current Borrowers must be notified of the assignment. Notification consists of contact information of the new creditor, recording dates, recording instrument numbers, changes in loan, etc. Included are "Notice of Assignment of Mortgage" forms.
The Truth and lending act requires that borrowers be notified when their Mortgage has been sold, transferred, or assigned to a new creditor. Generally, within 30 days to avoid up to $2,000.00 in statutory damages, plus reasonable attorney's fees. Systematic violations can reach up $500,000.00.
(New Jersey AOM Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example) For use in New Jersey only.