Adams County, Colorado - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Adams County official website, you are on, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The Recording Office is responsible for maintaining land records for real property located in Adams County.

Recording Fees

$13 for the first page of all recorded documents

$5.00 for each additional page ($10.00 for each additional page on documents larger than legal size)
Documentary fee: $.05 per $500 dollars of applicable sales consideration

Cash, checks or credit cards are acceptable forms of payment.

Document Formatting Requirements

* Documents should be submitted on white paper that is 8.5 x 11 inches or 8.5 x 14 inches. Document should be in black ink with a font size of at least 12 point.

* All documents should have a top margin of at least 1 inch.

* The left, right, and bottom margins should be at least .5 of an inch.

* Embossed notary seals will not show up if they are not darkened or inked. Adams County will not darken the seals.

* A valid grantee address needs to be included in the deed.

* Documents should be submitted in the order in which they are to be recorded.

* On the lower left corner of the first page, a complete and accurate return address should be provided. Documents will be returned in 7-10 days. A return envelope is not required, but it is certainly appreciated.

* If bar codes are being used to track documents, please do not place the bar code in the upper portion or the top margin of the document. This will interfere with Adams County recording barcode.

* Recorded documents are public records. For that reason, do not include social security numbers on documents.

* Consideration amounts must be correctly marked on both the deed and transfer declaration.

* If a document is claiming exemption from payment of the documentary fee, this exemption must be specifically claimed on the face of the document.

Any conveyance document presented for recording shall be accompanied by the Colorado Real Property Transfer Declaration (TD-1000).