Download Nevada Personal Representative Deed of Distribution Legal Forms

Nevada Personal Representative Deed of Distribution Overview

Deed of Distribution for Personal Representatives in Nevada
Following petition, record a deed of distribution pursuant to a court order to convey, transfer, or deliver property as proof of a distributee's succession to the decedent's interest in real estate.
The personal representative (PR) is an individual with a fiduciary obligation to distribute the decedent's assets in accordance with the will, if one exists, and following the relevant laws. Letters issued by the court authorize the PR to administer a decedent's estate using probate.
Deeds executed by personal representatives must meet all state and local standards for form and content. In addition, they name the PR as grantor and reference the decedent whose estate is being probated. The deed also identifies the judicial district and county processing the probate of the estate, and recites the case number and details about the court order confirming the sale. A copy of the order for distribution must be recorded alongside deed of distribution in the office of the county recorder in the county where the subject parcel of property is located (see NRS 151.110)
The deed of distribution includes a covenant to the grantee that the PR has legal power and lawful authority to convey and release the title.
Consult an attorney licensed in the State of Nevada with questions regarding deeds of distribution or other issues related to probate.
(Nevada PRD of Distribution Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example)