Los Alamos County, New Mexico - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Los Alamos County official website, you are on Deeds.com, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The County Clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Los Alamos County.

Recording Fees

Before submitting your documents, make sure that the fees are correct. Checks should be made payable to the "Los Alamos County Clerk" or "LACC." Please remember to sign your check. Stale-dated checks will cause documents to be rejected.

To record 1-10 indexed entries, the fee is $25.
Each additional block of 10 indexed entries is $25.

The County Clerk's Office will review the grantor/grantee's and legal description of each document and determine how many entries will be required for indexing. Every name indexed counts as one entry.
For example:
Ben White, an unmarried man =1
John Smith and Sue Smith (no vesting) = 2
Ben White and Ellen White, husband and wife = 2
John Smith and Sally Taylor, husband and wife = 2
John Smith and Mary Smith Revocable Trust = 1
John Smith and Mary Jones Revocable Trust = 2
Ellen White, aka Ellen Smith = 2
Ellen Ferguson-Smith = 1
Ellen White, Individually and Attorney in fact for Ben White =2

Lot, Subdivision = 1
Lot 1 & Lot 2, Subdivision = 2
Lot 1, Apt. A, Subdivision = 1
Unit A of XYZ Condos, located on Lot 1, Subdivision = 2
Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, Subdivision = 2

If recording in person, bring your originals or certified copies to the Los Alamos County Clerk's office during business hours. If your document meets all of the requirements and you pay the appropriate fees, it will be recorded in the order in which it was received. It is best to avoid recording during the busiest times (3:30-4:30 pm every week day). Once the document is scanned and the image is verified, the office will return the originals.

If submitting documents by mail, please include a check or money order for the appropriate amount. Once the clerk has received your documents and your payments, they will determine if it is accepted or rejected. If it is rejected, the document and payment will be mailed back to you unrecorded with an explanation of why it was rejected. Accepted documents will follow the procedure for in-person recordings.

Document Formatting Requirements

* Documents should be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch white paper. Documents must be legible in order to be recorded. To meet this requirement, use black or dark ink on your document, with a font size of at least 10 point Times New Roman.

* On the first page, a 1" x 4" space is required for the recording label. If space is not available, an additional page will be required.

* Deeds need to contain a valid and complete mailing address for the grantee. This address is used to determine where tax statements should be mailed after a property is sold. The submitter should verify the accuracy and completeness of this address.

* Notary seals should be darkened or inked, as embossed seals will not show up on the document. Notary information must be complete: a signature, date, expiration date, and seal are required.

* A conveyance document must include a legal description of the property.

* The marital status of male grantors must be listed on deeds.

* The property that pertains to the document must be identified with the grantor and grantee. The grantor's signature must be included in all deeds.

New Mexico is one of fourteen non-disclosure states; therefore, the selling price is not disclosed on a deed.