Download Oklahoma Release of Mechanic Lien Legal Forms

Oklahoma Release of Mechanic Lien Overview

Releasing a Mechanic's Lien in Oklahoma
Liens that expire or are otherwise no longer valid must be released. In order to release property from a mechanic's lien, a lien release form needs to be executed. There is no statutory lien release form, although under principles of contract law and the potential for civil damages caused by the lien, a lien claimant should release property when the lien is no longer justified.
In Oklahoma, the lien claimant must execute a form stating the lien has been paid off and should therefore be released and discharged from the record by the county clerk. The clerk is then authorized and directed to enter the satisfaction of the Lien onto the Lien Journal.
This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice from a legal professional. If you have questions about releasing a lien, or any other issues related to liens in Oklahoma, please contact an attorney.