Connecticut Recorders Information

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Real property records are recorded and maintained by the Town Clerks in the Connecticut municipality where the property is located. Record real estate deeds in Connecticut to provide constructive notice of the transfer.
According to the General Statutes of Connecticut, Sec. 47-5.: (a) All conveyances of land shall be:
(1) In writing;
(2) if the grantor is a natural person, subscribed, with or without a seal, by the grantor with his own hand or with his mark with his name annexed to it or by his attorney authorized for that purpose by a power executed, acknowledged and witnessed in the manner provided for conveyances or, if the grantor is a corporation, limited liability company or partnership, subscribed by a duly authorized person;
(3) acknowledged by the grantor, his attorney or such duly authorized person to be his free act and deed; and
(4) attested to by two witnesses with their own hands.