Middlesex County, Connecticut - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Middlesex County official website, you are on Deeds.com, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The town clerks are responsible for recording and maintaining records for real property situated within each town's or city's jurisdiction. All documents must be filed at the local level.

Recording Fees

The fee to record a document with the town clerk is $60.00 for the first page and $5 for each additional page.

If the document is a taxable conveyance of property, an additional $2 fee will be charged and collected.

There may be an additional $5 charge if the current mailing address of the grantee is not listed in the document.

If the names of those witnessing, executing, and acknowledging the document are not printed underneath signatures, an additional $1 fee will apply to the recording.

The state conveyance tax is .0075 x consideration paid. The local conveyance tax is .0025 x consideration paid. Only Middletown is allowed to have a rate up to .005. Check with the town clerk to verify local fees and accepted payment methods.

A Connecticut Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return must accompany the document when it is submitted for recording. If there is no price stated in the deed, a Town Conveyance Tax form stating the price must accompany the deed.

Document Formatting Requirements

All conveyances of land should be in writing and subscribed by the grantor.

Corresponding names should be printed or typed beneath the signatures of those
acknowledging, witnessing, and executing the document.

At the top of the first page, provide a return name and address. If this is different from the grantee's address, the grantee's name and address must also be provided on the document.

In the form of a deed, provide the consideration paid for the property.

Submit documents on white 8.5 x 11 inch paper with clean 3/4-inch margins. Use black ink with a font size of at least 10 point.

The date of execution should be shown on the deed.

Include a legal description of the real property being conveyed.

Include any descriptions, covenants, encumbrances, and any additional provisions in the form of the conveyance.