Perry County, Pennsylvania - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

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The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for the preservation of land records in Perry County. They are required to record all documents relating to real estate property in the County.

Recording Fees

The fee to record a Deed is $68.75.
Mortgage: $68.75
Mortgage Satisfaction: $60.75
Release of Mortgage: $60.75
Assignment of Mortgage: $60.75
Power of Attorney: $18.50

This fee includes four pages, four names, and one UPI. Each additional page is $2 and each additional name is 50 cents. A Statement of Value is $1. Two copies are due upon recording.

State and local realty transfer taxes may be due upon recording.

Contact the Perry County Recorder of Deeds at 717-582-2131 if you have questions regarding recording fees or transfer taxes.

Document Formatting Requirements

1. A deed must be acknowledged before the Recorder of Deeds can consider it. An acknowledgment must include the county and state. The name of the person acknowledging should be given exactly the same as it appears in the document. Other necessary elements are a notary signature, notary stamp, and the notary expiration date. The acknowledgment date should be on or after the execution date of the document.

2. The maximum size page accepted is 8.5 x 14 inches and the minimum is 8.5 x 11 inches. Margins should be a minimum of 1-inch and should be free from all markings.

3. A complete legal description of the real property must be present. This should include the municipality and county of the property.

4. The Uniform Parcel Identifier number that has been assigned to the parcel must be stated on the document. For assistance with this, contact the County Mapping Department. In order for a recorded document to provide constructive notice under the Pennsylvania recording laws, it must have a Uniform Parcel Identifier number.

5. A Certificate of Residence, with the grantee's name and mailing address should be attached to the deed.

6. A deed should state the true consideration of the property or should be accompanied by an original Affidavit of Value. If claiming an exemption from taxation, the deed must be accompanied by an original and fully completed Affidavit of Value.

7. If multiple documents constituting one transaction are submitted, the order of recording must be clearly indicated. The party submitting the documents is responsible for any re-recording expenses resulting from an improper order of recording.

8. Any corrective documents must include a reference to the document being corrected, as well as the reason for correction. A corrective deed must also include a Statement of Value and a recorded copy of the document being corrected.

9. A re-recorded document must be acknowledged again, and must also include the reason for re-recording.

10. When submitting a deed that pertains to property in more than one municipality, the percentage of local transfer tax for each municipality must be stated.

Statement of Value:
A Statement of Value is necessary whenever (1) the full consideration is not set forth in the deed, (2) when the deed is without consideration or is by gift, or (3) a tax exemption is claimed. A Statement of Value is not required if the transfer is wholly exempt from tax based on familial relationship or public utility easement.
If the transfer is between family members, the relationship must be stated on the deed.

The Statement of Value must be completed in its entirety and submitted in duplicate with a reason for the exemption and the amount of exemption.

A Statement of Value must also be submitted for easements and rights-of-ways.