Coos County, New Hampshire - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Coos County official website, you are on, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The Registry of Deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining property records in Coos County.

Recording Fees

There is a $12 fee for the first page of all documents, except for discharge of mortgages, UCC filings, mortgage assignments, and certain liens. After the first page, there is a $4 fee for each additional page.

A tax of $15 per thousand is imposed upon the sale, granting or transfer of real estate and any interest therein except where the price or consideration is $4,000 or less, there shall be a minimum of $40. If claiming an exemption from the transfer tax, this must be clearly stated on the deed being recorded.

There is a $25 surcharge for deeds, mortgages, plans, and discharge of mortgages.

Payment is due at time of recording. Make checks payable to Coos County Register of Deeds, include return postage, and do not use personal checks for transfer tax.

Document Formatting Requirements

* The names and mailing addresses of the grantor(s) and grantee(s) should be in the document.

* In the first descriptive sentence of the document, give the names of all municipalities in which the property is located.

* Underneath the signatures of all involved parties, a corresponding printed name should appear.

* Unless an exemption is clearly stated on a deed of conveyance, the transfer tax is applied for deeds of conveyance.


* Documents should be submitted on clean white paper without any watermarks. The paper size should not be any larger than legal size (8.5 x 14); however, 8.5 x 11 inches is preferred.

* Font should be a minimum of 10 point, with black ink. Text should not be highlighted.

* Original documents with original signatures are the only types accepted. If the original document is on record in another government office, a certified copy may be accepted at the Register's discretion.

* On the first page, there should be a top margin of 3 inches to allow room for the recorder's information. All other margins must be at least 1 inch.

* Documents should not include any foreign attachments and should not be continuously bound. If an attachment or exhibit is necessary, this can be referenced on the deed in the following form: 'See attachment' or 'See exhibit.'