You are NOT on the Chatham County official website, you are on Deeds.com, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.
The register of deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property in Chatham County.
Recording Fees
Recording general instruments: $26.00 for up to 15 pages. $4.00 for each
additional page over 15 pages.
Recording general instruments: $26.00 for up to 15 pages. $4.00 for each additional page over 15 pages.
Recording a deed of trust*: $64 for up to 35 pages, $4 each additional page over 35 (includes $2 verification fee).
Recording a deed: $26.00 (includes $2 verification fee) for up to 15 pages. $4.00 for each additional page.
Recording a uniform commercial code: $38.00 for 1-2 pages. $45.00 for 3-10 pages. $2.00 for each additional page over 10 pages.
Recording documents containing multiple instruments: In addition to the fees listed above, an additional $10.00 is charged for each additional instrument presented as part of a single document.
Recording a cancellation of deed of trust: No fee
Recording plats of land: $21.00
Uncertified copies of plats: $1.00
Certified copies of land records: $5 for the first page and $2 for each additional page.
Certified copy of birth or death record: $10.00 per copy
Delayed birth certificate applications: $20.00
Amendments to birth or death records (preparation): $10.00
Legitimations**: $10.00
Uncertified copies of all records: 25 cents per page
Real estate excise tax, also known as revenue stamps, is imposed by North Carolina law and collected by the Register of Deeds at the time of recording. The grantor must pay the Real Estate Excise Tax due. The tax rate is $2 per $1,000 of the purchase price of the real estate. The tax is levied on conveyances of an interest in real estate by all persons and organizations except federal, state, county, and municipal governments and their instrumentalities.
Document Formatting Requirements
* Submit documents on white 8.5 x 11 inch paper. A paper size of 8.5 x 14 inches can also be used. Printing or typing should be in black ink with a minimum of 10 point font. Fill in the blank areas and corrections may be completed in pen. Printing should be on one side of the paper only.
* The grantor must sign and acknowledge the instrument.
* A document must have a competent grantor, an existing grantee who is capable of taking title, and a granting or conveyance clause.
* At the top of the first page, provide a 3-inch blank margin. All remaining sides on the first page and all margins on subsequent pages should be at least 1/2 an inch.
* Below the blank margin on the first page, provide a title to the instrument.
* On any document representing a transfer of real property or interest in real property, the grantee's name and address is required.
* On the first page of the document, provide the name and address of the person to whom the instrument is to be returned. If this information is not provided or is not on the first page, the register of deeds may not accept the deed.
* Also on the first page, provide the name of the person who drafted the document. This information is needed even if the document was prepared outside of North Carolina.
* The drafter of a document can clearly indicate the names of the parties and their capacities as grantors or grantees by writing the names in all capital letters or by writing "grantor" and "grantee" in parentheses. All names of the parties should be on the first page of the document---not in the middle or in an attachment. All names, including signatures, should appear consistently throughout.
* Provide a legal description of the real property.
* A tax map and parcel ID number assigned to the real property must be present on the document.
* All deeds must have a stamp from the tax office stating that no delinquent taxes are due on the property. For questions regarding this, contact the tax office in Chatham County.
* When a document is related to a previously recorded instrument, clearly show the original document's recording information and the names of the parties to the prior instrument and their original capacities as grantors or grantees.
* Excise tax is calculated based off the total consideration price for the property. Therefore, state the amount of the total consideration paid for the property on the document.