Sullivan County, New Hampshire - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Sullivan County official website, you are on, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The Registry of Deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining records in Sullivan County.

Recording Fees

To record the first page of a document, the fee is $10. Each additional page is $4.

A $2 surcharge fee also applies per document.

The LCHIP fee of $25 is required per document on all deeds, mortgages, mortgage discharges, and plans/surveys.

An assignment of mortgage is $10 for the first page and $4 for each additional page. Each subsequent mortgage being assigned is $5. The $2 per-document surcharge fee also applies.

The New Hampshire Transfer Tax is shared between seller and buyer. The current rate is $15 per $1,000. A tax is imposed on the sale, grant, and transfer of real estate and any interest therein, including transfers by operation of law. Each sale, grant, and transfer is presumed taxable unless it is specifically exempt from taxation under NH RSA 78-B:2.

Any exemption to the transfer tax must be stated on the document being recorded. If an exemption is not stated, the tax will be assessed.

Payment is due at the time of recording. Three separate checks are required, all made payable to the Sullivan County Registry of Deeds. One check is for the recording fees, the second is for the New Hampshire real estate transfer tax, and the third is for the payment of LCHIP (a note on the memo line of your check should state "LCHIP").

Return postage will be added to each document unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.

Document Formatting Requirements

* The document must be legible and reproducible in order to be recorded.

* All signatures must be original, except on a copy of a document attached as an exhibit.

* A document is to be made up of one or more individual pages not permanently bound or in a continuous form. There should not be any attachments stapled, taped, or otherwise affixed to any page except for a firmly attached label with a bar code or return address.

* Writing or printing should be no smaller than 10 point Times New Roman and in dark blue or black ink. This requirement does not apply to page numbers or to any of the following that are not part of the headings or text of the document: document or form name or number; name, address, and telephone number of the producer of the document; directions for placement of recording date or for filling in of blanks; or other non-textual notations.

* Use white paper of not less than 20 pound weight, without watermarks or colored highlighting or other inclusions that would make it illegible or unable to be reproduced. The document should be on paper that is no smaller than 8.5 x 11 inches and no larger than 8.5 x 14 inches.

* The typing or printing of any name or the application of an embossed or inked stamp shall not render any part of the document illegible or unable to be reproduced.

* The top margin on the right half of the first page should be at least 3 inches, for exclusive use by the Register of Deeds. The left half may note administrative content or return address information. Otherwise, all margins on the first and succeeding pages shall be at least 1 inch, provided that the bottom margin may contain non-textual material no closer than 1/2 an inch to the bottom of the page, such as page numbers; document or form names or numbers; name, address, and telephone number of the preparer of the document; or other non-textual notations.

* The latest mailing address of the grantee needs to be recited in the document.

* In the first sentence of the first description paragraph, provide the names of all municipalities in which the property is located.

* The name of each person signing the deed as a party to the transaction should be typed or printed underneath their signature.

* The preparer of the document shall not include an individual's social security number, armed forces service number, credit card number, or deposit account numbers in a document that is prepared and presented for recording with the Register of Deeds.

* The town location of the property and the volume and page in which the document is recorded must be on all documents, including discharges, assignments, etc. The town location is the physical location of the property, not the mailing address of the property.

* A legal description of the property being conveyed is also required.

* Abbreviations should be avoided in a document. Try to provide as much information as possible.