Download Kentucky Notice of Furnishing Legal Forms

Kentucky Notice of Furnishing Overview

The Notice of Furnishing is used to certify that labor and/or materials were furnished, or will be furnished upon a specific property identified in the Notice.
In Kentucky, any lien will be dissolved unless the claimant, within six (6) months after he ceases to labor or furnish materials, files, in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the building or improvement is situated, a statement of the amount due him, with all just credits and set-offs known to him, together with a description of the property intended to be covered by the lien sufficiently accurate to identify it, the name of the owner, if known, and whether the materials were furnished or the labor performed by contract with the owner or with a contractor or subcontractor. K.R.S. 376.080(1).
This article is provided for information purposes only and should not be relied on as a substitute for the advice from a legal professional. If you have any questions about preliminary notice, or any other issues related to liens in Kentucky, please speak with a licensed attorney.