Buying a Home? How Covid-19 Has Changed the Game

COVID-19 has changed the real estate market. Understanding the recent changes can help buyers prepare for the transaction, and set reasonable home buying timelines. Here is an overview of changes in the buying process. We conclude with a 6-point checklist for the buyer coming into the market today. It’s springtime — always a great season …

Property Title? Deed? What’s the Difference?

When you buy a home, you receive the deed. And you hold title. The deed and title are interrelated yet distinct concepts. Title refers to ownership, including the legal right to possess and use a parcel, the right to exclude others from using it, and the right to transfer your interest to others. If you do transfer your property to …

How a Lien Affects the Real Estate Title

Many people have liens on their real estate. Consider your mortgage—a lien that leverages the home as collateral for your mortgage loan. Other liens, too, can show up in a title search. Homeowners should know what kind of liens might attach to a home they already own, or a home they’d like to buy. Here, we review the basics of home liens: types …

You’ve Paid Off the Mortgage. What Happens Now?

Congratulations! Paying off a mortgage is an impressive milestone. Now that you have paid off all the debt on your property, your home state’s law will direct your lender to take certain actions.  The lender will send you a certificate of satisfaction. This certificate, which the lender records in your home county, notifies the public that you have satisfied your obligation, and …